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v8 rear axle parts wanted

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 24-07-22, 06:55 PM
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: Falmouth, Cornwall
Posts: 56
Default v8 rear axle parts wanted


I need some hubs and a diff cover for a 410 rear axle, and a few other axle bits. Possibly easier to find a whole axle? I imagine the parts are probably shared across most v8 models, if you have anything which might be helpful please let me know.


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 25-07-22, 06:25 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Wiltshire, UK
Posts: 125

Hi Dave,

Are you sure it is a 410 axle? If it is the same axle that came with your project, I sold Clyde an axle from a 411 s2 for it, but don't know if he or you changed it since.

I am pretty sure the CBCPC have some complete axles, as I helped carry them out of the BCL service centre, but I am not sure what the situation is there now.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 25-07-22, 06:44 PM
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: Falmouth, Cornwall
Posts: 56

Thanks Sam, I was pretty sure it was a 410 axle, but it could well be a 411. I'll do a little more research. Hard to tell, and I'm not sure there's any differences. I don't really want to swap it out but the ratios aren't great on the 406 axle.

Edit...digging around the forum Clyde referred to this:

"I also forgot to say that it now has a later 410 V8 back
axle (running a 3.06:1 LSD) and larger Girling brakes to compliment
the 4-pot after-market front callipers. This was installed so that it
would have around 30mph per 1000rpm in 5th gear whilst haveing the
strength to handle 300+ lbsft of torque and the advantage of the LSD
for handling and cornering. Bristol quoted me a new axle (like a
Blenheim - same as the used one I have) at £5k plus braking and wheel
hubs - say £7k. I bought the used axle for £450 - collected myself
with help from Sam Frost and then had it fully rebuilt by Dana Spicer
in Birmingham for £750" Which is what I remembered. Somewhere along the line the hubs, discs and brakes have gone awol. Which is a pita.

Last edited by amazon69; 25-07-22 at 06:53 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 26-07-22, 03:40 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,170

I bought the gaskets and seals for the rear axle on my 411 S5 from Brian Marelli at Bristol Cars Services. I just checked the part numbers on the invoice and they are the same as the parts numbers for the 410. All except one part (the outer hub oil seal) overlap with the 409 as well. Of course it's a 4HA Salisbury axle.

Incidentally, I also bought front brake discs for the 411 at the time and they have 409 part numbers.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 26-07-22, 03:45 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,170

I found something that might be of interest. I was in regular contact with Clyde at the time and I just found this in an email from him on 21 May 2008.

--- begin email ---
Subject: 406 hubs and 411 back axle update

Thanks for the advice from Thor & Claude. I am not into wire wheels for the 406, I think it would look a little out of character and cost even more.
I have passed on various ideas including Thor's to my engineer. He has responded by saying that in fact it is easier and safer to machine some metal from inside the rear 406 hubs (plenty of casting apparently) and use new larger / stronger bearings to fit the rear 411 axle shafts and disc/calliper set up. It means the original 406 hubs will be used back and front with same stud pattern without modifying the stud pattern and creating a possible weak spot. Minilites come in 15x6.5" format for the 404/405/406 as well as for the 411, so I will end up using the same wheel and tyre combination but with standard stud pattern for the 406. No big deal about that at all.

Will keep you informed as we progress with the solution. Now taking off front end to check for issues and rebuild as well as preparing engine bay. Engine and box out for rebuild and so more work continues at a decent pace. Photos to be issued next week, so I will update the blog for all to see. Still doesn't look pretty, but a lot's been achieved so far.

--- end ---
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 26-07-22, 03:50 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,170

Here's something else from Clyde dated 19 May 2008 - actually these were emails to the old BEEF mail list that I used to run.

--- begin email ---
I have got an engineering issue with my 406 project and the front / rear hub pattern differences. I have a fully rebuilt Dana Spicer Powerlok 3.06:1 rear axle from a 411 S2 and had also acquired a set of matching front hubs to see if these could be fitted (with modification) to the front axles of the 406, so allowing me to use the same later 411 15" wheels and stud pattern. Unfortunately the front hubs will simply not work and it transpires from my mechanical man at Alpine Eagle that the geometry and brake set up would be impossible even if we could custom machine the 411 front hubs. He reckons the standard 406 front hub is superior and stronger using thicker wall surrounding the bearings. Since I cannot use the 411 front hubs I was considering what could be done and we (AE and I) have come down the the following three options, with the first not being an option:

1. Keep the 406 front hubs and 411 rear hubs thus needing two different 15x6.5 Minilite wheels (slightly different wheel stud patterns - even though both are 5 stud)

2. Remove front hub stud bolts and drill a 411 5 stud pattern set of holes to install new studs to match the rear

3. OR do the same to the 411 rear, but match to the 406 front pattern

My inclination is to go for (2) as long as it doesn't present safety or engineering issues. It would retain essentially a standard 406 front end. I have purchased Coopercraft 4-pot front callipers and these simply bolt on with supplied pads.

What do the erudite engineers reckon? I have explored the web and found an interesting forum for "Practical Machinists" where a thread discusses this subject - changing stud patterns - makes for a smile or two. Seems it isn't impossible, but must be done properly to ensure concentricity and run out are within factory tolerance.

Also, if I am replacing the master cylinder of the 406 with a new "modern" equivalent, has anyone got a suggestion for a replacement that uses remote power booster. Both items please.

In the meantime, the 406 has had extensive new metal replace rusted rubbish from front inner wing trays to rear wheel arches. Slowly but carefully all alloy panels will be sorted where corroded. What is reassuring is the thickness of the alloy on the 406. I was surprised. If BCL had used one grade less the weight would have dropped considerably.


--- end ---

Last edited by Kevin H; 26-07-22 at 07:22 AM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 26-07-22, 06:22 AM
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: Falmouth, Cornwall
Posts: 56

Thanks Kevin, that is very helpful indeed. What order are those messages in? It would indeed be easiest to machine the 406 hubs to fit the axle, and it does indeed to appear to be a 411 axle as Sam said.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 26-07-22, 07:26 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,170

Dave, my latter post that begins "Here's something else from Clyde" was actually the first of the two emails - I have edited it and added the date.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 26-07-22, 03:24 PM
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: Falmouth, Cornwall
Posts: 56

Super helpful Kevin, thanks. That would mean I only have to find a v8 diff cover.
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