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  #101 (permalink)  
Old 26-02-10, 06:50 PM
ozy ozy is offline
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Originally Posted by rubbond View Post
Sorry, I should have said, from where did you get that.
But I still think you have a problem Ozy, if only your attitude.
Wahey, we've made it - 100 - now for 150!

What's wrong with my attitude hmmm? Come, come, don't be coy, why hide your light (or letterbox) under a bushel?

At least I answer people's posted questions rather than evade them and act like a cry baby when I don't get my own way.

I'm just an irrepressible spirit just trying to liven our humdrum existance with the fripperies, trivia and trifles of Bristolaceousness. Why do you persist in 'micturating on my chips eh?

C'mon crack a smile

  #102 (permalink)  
Old 26-02-10, 06:55 PM
ozy ozy is offline
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Originally Posted by Hal View Post
There was nothing naughty, the Cicero quote ensured that. When in doubt, leaven with a quote by one of the ancient Greeks / Romans.

So its definitely safe for non-contrite Ozy to return, not that he ever left
Thanks for understanding Hal,

You have to realise that sometimes I can be a little like a Golden Retriever.

Over zealous, a little boisterous, with a tendancy to slobber and smell a little dubiously and suffer from the occasional noxious effulgence of wind.

In mitigating defence, I have never tried to take unspeakable liberties with other peoples left legs.

You know what I mean,

  #103 (permalink)  
Old 26-02-10, 06:55 PM
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Default Wanted - Owners Views for University Design Project

That's the trouble with this method of reply. I was not saying that you
threw your toys out of the pram far from it Ozy.
I was commenting on Andrews thoughts that he did not want to contribute to
this forum, so I asked why he was.
After all he has added nothing constructive to the thread only destructive!

67, I am opening a bottle of red now and hoping for 69!:-)

  #104 (permalink)  
Old 26-02-10, 07:04 PM
Hal Hal is offline
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Originally Posted by ozy View Post
You know what I mean,
Woof Woof ?
  #105 (permalink)  
Old 26-02-10, 07:07 PM
ozy ozy is offline
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Originally Posted by Nick Challacombe View Post
That's the trouble with this method of reply. I was not saying that you
threw your toys out of the pram far from it Ozy.
I was commenting on Andrews thoughts that he did not want to contribute to
this forum, so I asked why he was.
After all he has added nothing constructive to the thread only destructive!

67, I am opening a bottle of red now and hoping for 69!:-)

Hi NIck,

Yes, I see what you mean these replies can get a little confusing. I cannot understand why Andrew would not want to contribute - he's from Manchester and I'll bet he wouldn't have much success with reasoned debate on a Saturday night on Deansgate or Quay Street - oh no. Not heard much from him for a few hours unfortunately. I do hope he doesn't think I'm an unspeakable beast now.

We all need to have a little fun and lighten up sometimes and stop being so PC.

Ozy - 49 with the body of a 21 year old and a mind of a 14 year old, drinking a glass of Lindemans Chardonney-Semillion - 3 for £10 in Asda and not a bad glug wine to have whilst exhorting the natives to make further postings.
  #106 (permalink)  
Old 26-02-10, 07:08 PM
ozy ozy is offline
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Originally Posted by Hal View Post
Woof Woof ?
Careful, this is a prelude to nether region sniffing.


  #107 (permalink)  
Old 26-02-10, 07:11 PM
Hal Hal is offline
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Originally Posted by ozy View Post
Careful, this is a prelude to nether region sniffing.


Warning or Invitation ?
  #108 (permalink)  
Old 26-02-10, 07:14 PM
ozy ozy is offline
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Originally Posted by Hal View Post
Warning or Invitation ?
Your place or mine big boy!
  #109 (permalink)  
Old 26-02-10, 07:17 PM
Hal Hal is offline
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Originally Posted by ozy View Post
Your place or mine big boy!
i've pulled, woooooooooof
  #110 (permalink)  
Old 26-02-10, 07:19 PM
ozy ozy is offline
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Originally Posted by Hal View Post
i've pulled, woooooooooof
Ooh baby, baby, yank my chain and lets do doggy!

  #111 (permalink)  
Old 26-02-10, 07:23 PM
Hal Hal is offline
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Originally Posted by ozy View Post
Ooh baby, baby, yank my chain and lets do doggy!

sorry but the wife wants to feed me scooby later !
  #112 (permalink)  
Old 26-02-10, 07:28 PM
ozy ozy is offline
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Originally Posted by Hal View Post
sorry but the wife wants to feed me scooby later !
Your loss, you get me fired up and then you let me down.....Living on the ceiling, no more room down there, things fall into place, you get the joke, you get the joke. I'm so tall and I'm so tall, you raise me and then you let me fall!

Oh me miserum, obiter dicta & would have enjoyed it too!

Crestfallen Ozy.
  #113 (permalink)  
Old 26-02-10, 09:00 PM
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Default Wanted - Owners Views for University Design Project

I'm sorry, I just hate incorrect grammar. Bad manners however are far worse.
My point was simply that you should quieten down a bit. Sensible?
Can we stop this now?
  #114 (permalink)  
Old 26-02-10, 09:12 PM
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The 411 story is an interesting one and actually I'm still trying to piece together how it ended up in my neck of the woods. Still chasing some paperwork on it as the local (taxing) authorities not used to dealing with cars named Bristol with ID numbers shorter than a phone number...really confusing to the already mentally challenged mini-bureaucrats.

Speaking of mentally challenged bureaucrats, you are very correct on the KFC Obama bucket. Even the bleeding heart libs here are distancing themselves from the Disaster in Chief these days as he makes it abundantly clear that he is nothing but a good talker and empty suit. Never understood how anyone could elect a person to the office that actually never held a job in their life. Three more years and gone guys have similar with Gordon Brown who also likes reaching in your pockets every chance he gets...

  #115 (permalink)  
Old 26-02-10, 09:18 PM
ozy ozy is offline
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Originally Posted by rubbond View Post
I'm sorry, I just hate incorrect grammar. Bad manners however are far worse.
My point was simply that you should quieten down a bit. Sensible?
Can we stop this now?
Well, I don't know, as long as other people contribute it would be rude to not reply don't you think?

  #116 (permalink)  
Old 26-02-10, 09:23 PM
ozy ozy is offline
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post

The 411 story is an interesting one and actually I'm still trying to piece together how it ended up in my neck of the woods. Still chasing some paperwork on it as the local (taxing) authorities not used to dealing with cars named Bristol with ID numbers shorter than a phone number...really confusing to the already mentally challenged mini-bureaucrats.

Speaking of mentally challenged bureaucrats, you are very correct on the KFC Obama bucket. Even the bleeding heart libs here are distancing themselves from the Disaster in Chief these days as he makes it abundantly clear that he is nothing but a good talker and empty suit. Never understood how anyone could elect a person to the office that actually never held a job in their life. Three more years and gone guys have similar with Gordon Brown who also likes reaching in your pockets every chance he gets...

Oh Paul,

I should rather have Barack than that fatuous windbag Brown. Come the revolution he will be the first to be hung from a lamp post with piano wire. And as for Darling, well....................
  #117 (permalink)  
Old 26-02-10, 09:55 PM
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I think it is outrageous that we treat the MEMBER from Kentucky in such a
manner. Do you think its because we are envious of his LETTERBOX? Or

  #118 (permalink)  
Old 26-02-10, 10:04 PM
ozy ozy is offline
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Originally Posted by LukeHansen View Post

I think it is outrageous that we treat the MEMBER from Kentucky in such a
manner. Do you think its because we are envious of his LETTERBOX? Or

My good friend Luke and fellow 411 affectionado,

Colonel Sanders is a fine upstanding member and even though Kentuckians are alleged to have bigger letterboxes, I'll warrant they don't stand up far enough to beat Greg's or Yours or even mine.

Macro winkie Ozy

Last edited by ozy; 26-02-10 at 11:37 PM.
  #119 (permalink)  
Old 27-02-10, 03:07 AM
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When a thread has more off-topic than on-topic posts I think it's time to close it, which is what I am doing now.

If you want to continue to discuss, manners, grammar, politics, letterboxes, dogs or anything else unrelated to Bristol cars, there is a forum just for that called "Other topics of interest"

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