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Milky windscreen patches

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 18-10-11, 07:02 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: York
Posts: 808
Default Milky windscreen patches

Any tips for milky windscreens ? I was told that a heat gun followed by a sealant can work. !

Anyone tried it ?

Also using a black windscreen tint all around the edge of the screen to disguise it ! I imagine this will look okay on post 80's cars that had tint around the edges already.

Or a brick and a insurance claim. :-) Probably only works for the front

All top tips welcome ? I think
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 18-10-11, 08:28 PM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Posts: 188
Default windshields that have de-laminated

As most know, a windscreen is made much like a sandwich, and although the techniques have improved over the years, it is still a three-piece affair. Tempered glass is used in side and rear windows and is simply tempered to shatter into almost harmless little granules. Windshields however, are expected to keep you in the vehicle when involved in an accident. The layers of glass and clear plastic separate over time and moisture enters and is trapped along with other matter.
There just might be some new old stock replacements out there, and I would first check the web and known Bristol spares places. In the alternative, making a replacement is not out of the question, especially since you have a pattern. There are glass specialists that can make windshields in any configuration. If you find an old, used screen, chances are it will be no better than the one you have. This is one fault with owning a unique, low production car. If the maker does not specify a windscreen supplied for a number of other makes, it becomes a sticky wicket for the poor owner.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 18-10-11, 08:51 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: York
Posts: 808

It have known for a while exactly how a laminated windscreen is made. I have even had new ones commissioned for a 406.

I even used to supply aluminium to screen companies for the moulds.

I was wondering if anyone has tried any of the " suspected " old wives tales of simple fixes for slight milkiness in the corners.

10 out of 10 for ignoring the question again and going off on another trite lecture !
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 19-10-11, 11:04 PM
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 183

I had this problem with the laminated glass in my house windows. Some of the glass was fitted without the correct sealant putty and has gone milky at the edges just like car glass, so sealing seems to be a requirement to keep the glass from going white and presumably if you can get the milkiness out then you have to seal the edges with something.

If you can get the moisture out then the milkiness will disappear according to a paper I just looked up but I would have thought heating the glass would only drive the moisture further into the EVA making the problem worse. I wonder if applying a silica gel to the edge would be more effective in drawing the moisture out? Or a stick it in a space with a dehumidifier?

My neighbourhood looks better through milky glass so I have left it as is

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