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400 undergoing complete restoration in Australia
This 400 (car number 200) originally sent to O and S Sportscar Restoration in Sydney. After 12 months and a small fortune, it became clear that it was beyond their knowledge and capabilities so I have handed the restoration over to Sebastian Gross who has restored 4 Bristols apart from other marques.
He is doing a thorough job to the peculiar requirements of a Bristol. The latest photos show the car finished and running in BOCA rallies. It won best recent restoration at the Bristols to Noosa rally in May this year 2019
Lucas fog lights fitted
BOCA Noosa rally
BOCA Noosa rally
Connolly leather and English wool cloth for the interior upholstery and trim
Door trim
On our way to Noosa for the Bristols to noosa Rally
All body panels now bolted on, tuning the carburettors.
On the road from northern New South Wales to Melbourne, a journey of 1200 kilometers with a new engine. Delivering the car to the upholsterers for...
Back from the painter and bolting on the body panels
A good shot showing the bumper carriers, steering rack, lever arm shock absorbers, brake booster cover on rhs behind wheel, new Michelin X tires,...
The body painted- still at the paint shop
panels painted ready for fitting
three additional coats of primer, each one rubbed back
doors, boot lid and guards in the spray booth
African Cedar dash timber, finished - by Manfred Riehl a beautiful job
Trial fitting the new dash timber
Frame timbers in doors re-glued with epoxy and holes filled and glued with dowels, the result is tight, solid timber frames in the doors, which now...
New dash timbers (African cedar) cut out from templates
Exhaust manifold threads being machined
The body now with suspension, brakes, steering and wheels replaced
Restored engine and gearbox ready for installation
Dash with restored gauges installed, timber is being renewed, new wiring harness installed
Nolathane bushes fitted to diff. carrier
Rolling on wheels again!
Differential ready for installing

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