Thread: Brabazon
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Old 23-12-08, 10:23 AM
OA OA is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
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Default Recouping development costs

I see that this problem has been reckognized with Bristol and think the dismissal of Tony Crook might have had something to do with it. The brand has received far more publicity than ever inside the last 2 years or so. Even the unthinkable happened: journos got a Fighter too play with - see Top Gear some months back.

It verges on the impossible these days to flog a substantial car at mega-upmarket prices without ABS and airbag. We are not even talking more fiddly stuff like limited slip diff etc. Even the half-way decently styled Fighter does not make any serious sales without such basics; we do not even want to think about the Bristol Capri.

Bristol invested big in the Fighter and Joe Lewis has gotten little back at all. Ex-son in law Toby has at least a hobby to see to.

@ Giacomo

Sorry, but ever heard of aerodynamics, drag and such things? Your design is remindful of comic-strips of the 1970s and from that viewpoint I like it. Else, it has little to do with feasible automotive design.
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