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Old 12-10-12, 02:47 PM
Kevin H Kevin H is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Melbourne, Australia
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Originally Posted by RichardFrench View Post

Most ISPs will renew your IP if you...
  1. Click the start button
  2. Type CMD then press enter
  3. In the command prompt type...
  4. ipconfig /release
  5. ipconfig /renew
  6. Enjoy your new I.P address and uber leet mad hacking skillz -_-
This will only work if the PC is connected directly to the internet using a built in modem. But nowadays most people connect via a router of some sort, (most ADSL modems now also incorporate a router, even if they only have one port).

If this is the case, the PC's IP address will be a private (LAN or Local Area Network) IP address in one of the following ranges; - - -

This can be assigned by the modem/router (if using DHCP) or it may be set manually in the settings for the PC's network adapter.

If you just type "ipconfig" at the command prompt you will see what IP address your computer is using.

However, any external firewall or protection software on a web server on the internet will see only your external public IP address. This is assigned by your ISP and may or may not be dynamic. Most ISPs use dynamic IP addresses which can change between network sessions, (although they can be fixed).

Using [ipconfig /renew] can only result in your PC getting a new private IP address, which won't help if your external/public IP address is being blocked by an external site.

If your external/public IP address has been dynamically assigned, it is likely that it will change if you turn off your modem and disconnect it from the ISPs network for a period of time. The longer between sessions, the more likely you are to get a new IP address on reconnecting.

You can easily find out what your external IP address is by using a site such as What's My IP Address? Networking Tools & More
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