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Old 17-02-12, 03:12 PM
RichardFrench RichardFrench is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 1

I know this is an old thread, but I'll answer as it's a common issue.

"Protector" is a well known protection system that some companies use.
It is a bit aggressive as it will, as mentioned, put a 30 year ban on I.Ps it deems dangerous. Those marked as hackers are often innocent as faulty error detection by Protector can cause dropped packets to be detected as hack attempts as it's "unexpected data".

It veers on the side of caution to protect the business at the expense of the user.

One on the list there isn't much you can do to be removed apart from change your I.P address... Which is trivial without some form of reverse NAT detection.

Most ISPs will renew your IP if you...
  1. Click the start button
  2. Type CMD then press enter
  3. In the command prompt type...
  4. ipconfig /release
  5. ipconfig /renew
  6. Enjoy your new I.P address and uber leet mad hacking skillz -_-

I wish companies would practice real security processes instead of relying on such basic, and inaccurate techniques as this.

** Sorry, found this old post in the moderation queue
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