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Old 20-02-11, 04:15 AM
Kevin H Kevin H is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,169

Originally Posted by GREG View Post
Hi All,

All of a sudden whilst perusing the BOC wiki I had this message and I have been locked out since !!

You are registered as BAD_IP by Protector.
This restriction will be expired on 2038-01-19 03:14:07

Anyone know how to fix it ?
"Protector" is no doubt their firewall. There will be nothing you can do about it. Knowing how these things work, it may unblock you after a pre determined time, e.g 24 hours, or the block may be permanent.

But why are you asking here? Why not ask on the BOC forum?

You could get around it by getting a new IP address.

If you are on ADSL you could try disconnecting your ADSL modem from the phone line for for say half an hour and if you have a dynamic IP address when you connect it back up again your ISP will automatically give you a new IP address. If however you have a static IP you're stuffed

Of course this begs the question, why did it block you in the first place and will it just happen again?
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