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Old 11-09-10, 03:40 AM
Kevin H Kevin H is offline
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Originally Posted by serena View Post
I really had no idea the collectors' copy was worth so much. I wonder though are those prices 'speculative' - do copies really sell for so much??
Serena, there are undoubtedly book dealers who will list books at ridiculously high prices on the off chance that some mug will come along and pay that price. Being a book collector I have seen it many times. I suspect they are very well established dealers who are not overly bothered whether they sell the book any time soon. It may even be that they don't particularly want to sell it because they might not have many other books relating to that marque and they want to make sure they still come up in searches for the marque.

I should point out that all copies of A Private Car are numbered, regardless of the binding. There were 900 copies of the Standard Edition and 100 copies of the Special Edition in the black slip case.

The Standard Edition was first released with a semi gloss blue slip case with title of the book on the spine and side, along with an image of the Bristol badge on the side. This slip case was found to damage very easily and Palawan replaced it with a plain blue cloth bound slip case with nothing printed on it, which is what is now pictured on their site.

To a keen book collector (opposed to a Bristol enthusiast), a copy in the original printed slip case in perfect condition may be more valuable. My own copy has the earlier slip case, but only when it was too late did I realise that it couldn't cope with even normal careful use.

Which edition do you have - the blue binder (printed or plain cloth bound), with grey and yellow books, or the black binder, with books bound in black nubuck?

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