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Technical thoughts: (moved from Bristol Ephemera forum)

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-08, 11:44 AM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 32
Default Technical thoughts: (moved from Bristol Ephemera forum)

Technical thoughts:

- I'm not sure that interested people know you have to go to reply
before you can type an answer. Certainly it would be good for that to
be mentioned in the frame.

- I'm not sure my computer knows I should start between the barbed
wire. Next time I might try where it settled - at the top of the page.

- I am unable generally to make out who is sending the message.
While I recognise full names and well known psudonyms, George and John
are unknowns.

- I need to have another go at the site. Interest groups are
emphasising this and offering more features. This is happening all
over the place, so that messages that just slip onto your screen to be
dealt with as you desire, now need to be sought. I would ask for a
hybrid of automatically getting the messages, plus by type to find
them in the site. I did find looking into coolant quite nice - picked
up all the messages I had deleted and thought about it some more.

Well, some progress, and thanks, Kevin

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-08, 01:13 PM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,169

Sean, I have moved this thread from the Bristol Ephemera forum (this is where discussions about the site belong).

Originally Posted by seanmcs View Post
Technical thoughts:
- I'm not sure that interested people know you have to go to reply
before you can type an answer. Certainly it would be good for that to
be mentioned in the frame.
To date I know of only one person who had difficulty with this. But now he knows hopefully it won't be a problem

Nevertheless, we have created a new development site to see what changes we can make without stuffing things up! (last time I did make changes to these message templates it did stuff things up).

Originally Posted by seanmcs View Post
- I'm not sure my computer knows I should start between the barbed
wire. Next time I might try where it settled - at the top of the page.
Please don't do that. If you type your reply between the dashed line it will work. If you don't it won't work.

(I thought Macs were supposed to easy to use?)

Originally Posted by seanmcs View Post
- I am unable generally to make out who is sending the message.
While I recognise full names and well known psudonyms, George and John
are unknowns.
Spare a thought, they probably don't know who seanmcs is!

We can only use 'Usernames' supplied by people when they register. That's the same in every forum I have ever seen.

Originally Posted by seanmcs View Post
I would ask for a hybrid of automatically getting the messages, plus by type to find them in the site.
Not sure what you mean here Sean ? (the last sentence above)
If you can illucidate I will see what can be done.

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