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Old 22-06-17, 05:30 PM
405dh 405dh is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Hereford
Posts: 34
Default 603 wanted

Hi Michael,

Your posting is most opportune. See ebay listing below, which hit my screen today, so presumably has just been listed. It is in Lymington.
Interestingly, I viewed the car when it was put up for sale by the first owner, a Mr Gordon Tallis near Warwick. He advertised it in the BOC Newsletter together with an Aston Martin DB6 which he had also had from new. I went over to view the Aston, which had been totally rebuilt by the factory at great expense around 10 years before. Problem was it needed doing again! I had it professionally inspected and because it was stored in a damp garage, the hessian wrap the factory used around the steel tubing got damp and caused bad reaction between the aluminium and steel parts of the body. I could see how wet his garage was and the Bristol was stored there too but I'm afraid I didn't look closely at it.
It was around 2005 and the asking price of the DB6 was about £35k but needed a £50k rebuild, so I passed on it, despite the vendor being very flexible after the expensive inspection I paid for. Big mistake in hindsight of course! (However I did land another later).

Anyway, if you view, look carefully for signs of previous corrosion and the moral is don't store cars in damp garages - it destroyed his DB6 twice!

Good luck in your search,

1977 BRISTOL BLMC 603E AUTO | eBay
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